Born in vials, Pinar del Rio on August 9, 1964. In 1983 he began his career as an amateur presenting several exhibitions and personal. You are granted the right to study at the Ecole Technique and professionals and artists from Pinar del Rio, gradundose as mid-level technician and plastic arts instructor in a course of 3 ½ years duration, in addition he was director of the Art Gallery Road. In 1989 he moved to the Municipality of the province of Matanzas Marten begins as an art instructor at the Casa de la Cultura Aniceto Diaz's own municipality. Presents an exhibition and participates in the Art Hall of the municipality itself, apart from participating in the Provincial Art Fair held in that year. In 1990 he was captured by the clothing firm where he specialized export markets for funds and performs the work of textile design. Participates in FIART 91 by the company. A year later began working as escengrafo decorator and the chain Sol Melia Varadero. Start working on a personal exhibition that remained taped April 26, 2003, which shows that not only was the landscape, but that enter in the search for new ways and different techniques, on this occasion presents design I painted and decorated clothes for him. Awards & Events * 1989 - Award Hall of Mart. * 1989 - First Place Provincial Handicraft Group represents. * 1989 - National Meeting of Landscape Painters in Isla de la Juventud. * 1989 - Instructor of Art Salon in Matanzas. * 1989 - Personal Exhibition "Aoranza of my people." 1990 - Winter Salon Award in Pinar del Rio * 2003 - Personal Exhibition "The other view of my hands." * 2005 - International Exhibition "From my palms to your mangos" in Mexico. He is currently working for another Exhibition Staff to be tabled Mexico. You can view more works this artist in the Section "Galley images "